Shannon Atkinson
Marine Mammals
ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences
313 Lena Point Building
17101 Pt Lena Loop Rd
Juneau, AK 99801
Floyd, T.P., Horstmann-Dehn, L., Atkinson, S, Skaugstad, C.. (2017). "Effect of Ichthyophonus on blood chemistry and cortisol concentrations of spawning Yukon River Chinook salmon and their offspring". Diseases of Aquatic Organisms. 122:223-236.
Atkinson, S., Crocker, D., Houser, D., Mashburn, K. (2015). "Stress physiology and
behavior in marine mammals: How well do they fit the terrestrial model?" J.Comp.Physiol.B..
Di Poi, C., Atkinson, S., Hoover-Miller, A., Blundell, G.. (2015). "Maternal buffering of stress response in free-ranging Pacific harbor seal pups in Alaska". Mar Mammal Sci. . 31(3):1098-1117.
Hutchinson, E., Atkinson, S., Burek Huntington, K.. (2015). "Growth and sexual maturation
in male northern sea otters (Enhydra lutris kenyoni) from Gustavus, Alaska". J. Mammal.
Keogh, M.J., Atkinson, S. (2015). "Endocrine and immunological responses to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) administration in juvenile harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) during winter and spring". Comp Biochem Phys A. 188:22-31.
Ellsworth, A., Buck, C.L., Atkinson, S., Hollmen, T.. (2014). "Longitudinal monitoring of sex steroid hormones in excrement of spectacled eiders (Somateria fisheri)". Gen. Comp. Endocrinol.. 189:59-65.
Zaleski, A., Atkinson, S., Burkanov, B., Quinn, T. II. (2014). "The effect of environmental contaminants on western Steller sea lion survival and movement". Sci. Total Environ.. 490:561-569.
G. L. Geiger, S. Atkinson, J. N. Waite, G. M. Blundell, J. R. Carpenter and K. Wynne. (2013). "A new method to evaluate the nutritional composition of marine mammal diet from scats applied to harbor seals in the Gulf of Alaska". J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol.. 449:118-128.
K. Jaatinen, M. Seltmann, T. Hollman, S. Atkinson, K. Mashburn and M. Ost. (2013). "Context dependency of baseline glucocorticoids as indicators of individual quality in a capital breeder General and Comparative Endocrinology". 191:231-238.
M. J. Keogh, S. Atkinson and J. M. Maniscalco. (2013). "Body condition and endocrine profiles of Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) pups during the early postnatal period General and Comparative Endocrinology". 184:42-50.
- marine animals’ failure to adapt to environmental change
- reproduction in marine animals
- climate change and effects on marine organism’s physiology
- contaminants and the effects on marine mammals
- nutrition
- stress physiology of marine mammals
- Assessing Changes in Reproductive and Population Dynamics of Pacific Walruses
- Development and Validation of a Technique for Detection of Stress and Pregnancy in Large Whales
- Endocrine responsiveness in Chinook salmon
- Surviving the gauntlet: A comparative study of the pelagic and demersal and special linkages that determine groundfish recruitment and diversity in the Gulf of Alaska ecosystem
- Passive Acoustic Monitoring of Cook Inlet Belugas
- Effects of the social context on stress responsiveness in pinnipeds
- Reproductive biology of marine mammals
- Steller's Eider Recovery Team (2003-present)
- Society for Marine Mammalogy (1991-present)
- Spectacled Eider Recovery Team (2003-present)
- American Association of Zoological Parks and Aquariums-Affiliate Member - 1991 to present
- Sigma Xi The Scientific Research Society– Alaska Chapter – Member 2003 - present
- American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - 2001 - 2009
- North Pacific Research Board Science Panel - 2002 – 2008
- Western Association of Marine Laboratories - 2001 to 2007