End-to-end fish model

Project Description

The goal is to model the multi-decadal cycles of sardines and anchovies using an end-to-end model consisting of the ocean physics (ROMS), a nutrient-phytoplankton-zooplankton component (NEMURO), an individual based model of small pelagic fish, and a fishing fleet component.

Project Funding

Start Date: 0000-00-00
End Date: 0000-00-00


Publications and products

Rose, K.A., Fiechter, J., Curchitser, E.N., Hedstrom, K., Bernal, M., Creekmore, S., Haynie, A., Ito, S., Lluch-Cota, S., Megrey, B.A., Edwards, C.A., Checkley, D., Koslow, T., McClatchie, S., Werner, F., MacCall, A. and Agostini, V.. (2015). Demonstration of a fully-coupled end-to-end model for small pelagic fish using sardine and anchovy in the California Current Progress in Oceanography.

Fiechter, J., D. D. Huff, B. T. Martin, D. W. Jackson, C. A. Edwards, K. A. Rose, E. N. Curchitser, K. S. Hedstrom, S. T. Lindley, and B. K. Wells. (2015). "Environmental conditions impacting juvenile Chinook salmon growth off central California: An ecosystem model analysis". Geophys. Res. Lett.. 42


Research Team

Kenny Rose

Kenny Rose

Principal Investigator

Kate Hedstrom

Kate Hedstrom

Co-Principal Investigator

Research Staff


  • Oceanographic Specialist

Co-Principal Investigators

Enrique Curchitser

Jerome Fiechter