March 10, 2025
Dear faculty and staff,
I hope you are all enjoying the spring mid-semester time that has come to us with
longer days and brighter sunshine. There has been a lot going around nationally and
locally in recent days, and I want to provide some important updates.
Our commitment
Our commitment to fostering a respectful and caring environment across the UAF campuses
remains unwavering. We continue to provide the same high level of individualized care
to employees, and to students facing barriers or in crisis. Furthermore, we actively
reinforce our existing policies and procedures, which are in full compliance with
all applicable laws. It is important to note that executive orders and "Dear Colleague"
letters do not supersede the law. It is paramount to our effectiveness that all members
of our UAF community continue to follow our established processes and immediately. UAF will continue to work diligently with relevant parties to intervene,
address policy violations, and ensure a safe and supportive environment for all.
Executive orders, BOR motion, communications
To keep the UAF community in the loop on the status of executive orders, communications
from federal agencies, and other such matters that impact UAF, Chancellor White has
started a weekly update that comes out on Monday afternoons. Here are some of the
relevant source materials:
- Jan. 21, 2025: ‘Ending Illegal Discrimination and Restoring Merit-Based Opportunity’ issued (status:
has an injunction), followed by other EOs (see for more updates).
- Feb. 14, 2025: " that provided a Feb. 28 deadline for implementation of directives (this letter was
not enjoined with any executive order).
- Feb. 21, 2025: that, among other things, directed that the Universities’ websites and other electronic
or print material representing each university, no longer refer to “affirmative action,”
“DEI” nor utilize the words “diversity,” “equity,” “inclusion,” or other associated
- Feb. 28. 2025: Friday Focus message from Chancellor White that has relevant information for the UAF community.
BOR motion and what it means for faculty and staff
I have received questions about the implementation of the directives in the BOR motion,
and what it means for our faculty and staff. I have also consulted with the UA General
Counsel on this matter. Please note that the BOR motion specifically affirms its support
for freedom of expression and academic freedom, as currently outlined in Board of
Regents policies and university regulations. Faculty have the academic freedom to
carry out their independent research, publish, and teach their courses without the
need to modify syllabi or curricula. The BOR made it explicitly clear that institutional
websites and materials needed to be updated with the directives in the motion. Please
note that departmental websites are institutional websites, and require the same updates as all other institutional websites.
Here are some guidance and updated materials that you will find useful:
Selected updates
Center for Teaching and Learning: To help you plan ahead, we have released the complete that includes a number of workshops, events, and resources to support your teaching,
networking, and professional growth. There's something for everyone and I hope faculty
and staff will avail themselves of these to the fullest.
Registrar's Office: Schedule Planner is now used for registration, replacing course search and registration
through UAOnline. Learn more about Schedule Planner here.
Graduate School: Individualized study plans for all master's and Ph.D. students are now available
in DegreeWorks with coursework and form status. This was a huge undertaking. For questions
please contact Interim Director Emeline Jones at
Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning: Visit to register your child for a summer kids camp. You will need to hurry as 80% of the
seats are already full!
Upcoming deadlines
- March 21, 2025: Nomination deadline for
- March 24, 2025: Deadline to apply for the
- March 31, 2025: Fall course list available in Schedule Planner
- April 7, 2025: Priority registration begins for fall 2025
- April 14, 2025: Open registration begins for fall 2025
- May: May is all about commencement!
Please be sure to send in your book adoption early, and continue to remind students
to meet their academic advisors and register for fall classes. I look forward to celebrating
UAF’s 103rd Commencement in May!
— Anupma Prakash, provost and executive vice chancellor