Issue 43.2

Permafrost Issue 43.2 Cover Art based on the image Catalog of Sorrows by Nadia Arioli

Catalog of Sorrows by Nadia Arioli


Here at Permafrost, we grappled with the art of seclusion, not realizing how deeply isolation would creep into all of our lives. Now, our latest online issue of Permafrost arrives with the new sunshine and lengthening days in Fairbanks, Alaska. Coming into a hopeful spring, we bring you a group of deeply reflective, wonderful pieces which blur the boundaries of genre and form to capture the essence of these strange years we've shared. These pieces--we hope--find you still learning, still dreaming, and blooming anew. Welcome to Permafrost Issue 43.2: the Catalog of Sorrows.




Catalogue of Sorrows #6  Nadia Arioli (Cover Art)

Like the best art, (Whitehead 79)  Gina Moriarty

12 Ways of Looking at a Sunflower  Brianna Pike

The Boy Who Invented Me  Ann Russell

Still Dreaming & Elsewhere  Michelle Askin

Veneration  Shannon Bowring

Baby, Where Am I & If You Bury a Woman Let Her Have Her Tongue  E. Kristin Anderson



Swimming Lessons  Christen Kauffman

Fox Squirrel  Harli James

Dear Pygmalion & Dear Galatea  Danielle Cadena Deulen

Your Rapist Trends on Twitter  Danielle Shorr

Regresa  Mehrul Bari S. Chowdhury

Deer: A Pathology  Rebecca Valley



Cigarette  Cynthia Atkins

Lost and Found  E.H. Jacobs

February 8th & April 16th  Ann Pedone

The Climbing  Michael Brosnan

[Voicemails in Slow Dissociation]  Judy Xie

After Sappho  Charles Gabel



Cantor Rose  Federico Federici

From a North American Field Guide Bought for a Birthday Never Give: Rodentia  Emma DePanise

As the West Coast Burns  Hannah Dierdorff



Duo  David Swartz

Kith  Anne Duncan

Masters of Sex  Robert Long Foreman

The Dis(re)membering  Maren Loveland

Inside the Lines & Ersatz Lamplighter  Weston Cutter

Loop  Imitaj Alom

Labor  Kevin OConnor



Four Poems  Andrew Robin

At the Top of the Nowhere Staircase  Emmy Newman

Hazy  Sara Greenslit

Shadowtalk  Thad DeVassie

After 3 Days  Jonathan Greenhause

Felt  Robert Jackson

The Mayor of Buckfield  Nicholas Plasmati