GER & Core Curriculum
1-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - Name changed to Elementary Statistics
- course description change - prerequisites changed to appropriate placement score;
a grade of B or better in DEVM F105 or DEVM F105N or in all three of DEVM F105G and
DEVM F105H and DEVM F105J; or permission of instructor - effective Fall 2018 upon
Status: 10-17-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-20-18: Approved by Provost
2-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (4+0+0), changed course description - changed
prerequisites to appropriate score on the math placement test; or MATH F151x and MATH
F152x; or MATH F156x - Added corequisite MATH F251L - Added Pre- or Corequisite for
students who have previously received a grade below C- or a W in MATH F251x: MATH
F251R or MATH F251S - Removed lab hours - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-20-18: Approved by Provost
3-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - name changed - added pre- or corequisites
for students who have previously received a grad below C- or a W in MATH F230X: MATH
F230R or MATH F230S - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-20-18: Approved by Provost
4-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - name changed - prerequisites changed
to appropriate placement score; or DEVM F105; or DEVM F105N; or DEVM F105J - added
pre- or corequisites for students who have previously received a grade below C- or
W in MATH F122x: MATH F122R or MATH F122S - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-3-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-20-18: Approved by Provost
5-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - course description changed - removed
prerequisites CHEM F103X or CHEM F105X - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon
Status: 11-7-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-09-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-12-18: Approved by Provost
6-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - course description changed - removed
prerequisites CHEM F103X and CHEM F105X - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon
Status: 11-7-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-20-18: Approved by Provost
7-GER: New Course - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - no prerequisites - requesting GER
status - letter graded - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-9-17: Received by GERC
1-29-18: GERC denied GER status but approved to proceed as a new course and sent to
CRC in Courseleaf
8-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - requesting permanent O/2 designator
- letter graded - effective Spring 2019 upon approval.
Status: 11-7-17: Received by GERC
1-19-18: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-27-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-27-18: Approved by Provost
9-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (4+1+0) - added pre- or corequisites for
students who have previously received a grade below C- or a W in MATH F156x: MATH
F156R or MATH F156S - effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-20-18: Approved by Provost
10-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (4.5+0+0) - prerequisites changed to appropriate
score on the math placement test; a B or better in DEVM F105; or B or better in DEVM
F105J; or C or better in DEVM F105N - added pre- or corequisite for students who have
previously received a grade below C- or a W in MATH F151x: MATH F151R or MATH F151S
- effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-19-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-20-18: Approved by Provost
11-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - changed name - changed abbreviated
title - changed course description - prerequisites include an appropriate score on
the math placement test; DEVM F105; or DEVM F105N; or DEVM F105J - letter graded -
effective Fall 2018 upon approval.
Status: 11-14-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
12-GER: New Course - (CourseLeaf login required), 3 credits (3+0+0) - prerequisites include appropriate
score on the math placement test or DEVM F105 or DEVM F105N or DEVM F105J - frequency
of offering every semester - letter graded - GER course - effective Fall 2018 upon
Status: 11-15-17: Received by GERC
12-8-17: Approved by GERC & sent to CRC in Courseleaf
02-09-18: Approved by CRC & sent to Provost in Courseleaf
02-12-18: Approved by Provost
13-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - Course title changed from Basic
General Chemistry to Introduction to General Chemistry - updated course description
- effective Fall 2019 upon approval.
Status: 2-16-18: Received by GERC
02-16-18: Approved by GERC
14-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - Course title changed from Survey
of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry to Introduction to Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry
- updated course description - effective Fall 2019 upon approval.
Status: 2-16-18: Received by GERC
02-16-18: Approved by GERC
15-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - updated course description - effective
Fall 2019 upon approval.
Status: 2-16-18: Received by GERC
02-16-18: Approved by GERC
16-GER: Course Change - (CourseLeaf login required), 4 credits (3+3+0) - updated course description - effective
Fall 2019 upon approval.
Status: 2-16-18: Received by GERC
02-16-18: Approved by GERC
17-GER: Course Change - , 3 credits (3+0+0) - name changed from Performance, Production and the Audience -
course description changed - effective Fall 2019 upon approval.
Status: 3-20-18: Received by GERC
3-20-18: Approved by GERC
1-Core: Course Change - BA F254 - Personal Finance, 3 credits (3+0); add the "X" designation as a GER course option fulfilling Social
Sciences; and add the (s) designation to course title; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Contact: Kevin Berry Status: 12/07/2016: Core approved. 12/12/2016: Provost approved. |
2-Core: Course Change - ANS F111 - History of Alaska Natives (s), 3 credits (3+0); change title to History of Colonization in Alaska: the Indigenous
Response; remove cross-listing with HIST F110; change frequency of offering by adding
each spring; add "X" designation for GER (to be reviewed at Core Review Committee);
effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference 36-UCCh. at Curriculum Review Committee] Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones Status: 12/07/2016: Core approved. 12/12/2016: Provost approved. |
3-Core: Course Drop - ANS F472W - Rural Alaska, Natives and the Press, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been offered in over 10 years and is no longer needed;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. [Reference 40-UCDr. at Curriculum Review Committee] Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones Status: 11/09/2016: Core approved. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
4-Core: Course Compression - PS F300X - Ethics and Society, 3 credits (3+0); compression for teaching over 'Mesters (Wintermester; Maymester);
effective upon approval. Contact: Alex Hirsch Status: 11/09/2016: Core approved. 11/15/2016: Provost approved. |
5-Core: Course Change - BA F281 - Sports Management, [SEE REVISED BELOW} 3 credits (3+0); add the "X" designation as a GER course option;
change title to Introduction to Sports Management; crosslist as SPRT; effective fall
2016 upon approval.
GER Alignment Course Changes and New Course: Memo from English Department (PDF) |
6-Core: Course Change - ENGL F111X - Introduction to Academic Writing, 3 credits (3+0); change course subject code to WRTG and title to Writing Across
Contexts; prerequisite of placement into ENGL F111X; see justification document included
with change packet; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
7-Core: Course Change - ENGL F211X - Academic Writing about Literature, 3 credits (3+0); change course subject code to WRTG and title to Writing and the
Humanities; prerequisite of ENGL F111X or its equivalent; see justification document
included with change packet; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
8-Core: Course Change - ENGL F212 - Business, Grant and Report Writing, 3 credits (3+0); change course subject code to WRTG and title to Writing and the
Professions; add the "X" core designation; prerequisite of WRTG F111X; sophomore standing
recommended; see justification document included with change packet; effective fall
2017 upon approval.
9-Core: Course Change - ENGL F213X - Academic Writing about the Social and Natural Sciences, 3 credits (3+0); change course subject code to WRTG and title to Writing and the
Sciences; see justification document included with change packet; effective fall 2017
upon approval. |
10-Core: Course Drop - ENGL F313 - Writing Nonfiction Prose, 3 credits (3+0); course has not been taught since spring of 2011 and was replaced
by ENGL F273 (which was later replaced with ENGL F377 when new Creative Writing Minor
was created); effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
11-Core: New Course - WRTG F214X - Arguing Across Contexts, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisite of WRTG F111X; letter-graded;
to be offered each semester; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
12-Core: Course Change - PS F101 - Introduction to American Government and Politics, 3 credits (3+0); add the "X" designation as a GER course option fulfilling Social
Sciences; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
13-Core: Course Change - PS F221 - International Politics, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits; add the "X" designation as a GER course option fulfilling
Social Sciences; effective fall 2017 upon approval. Frequency of offering will be
each fall.
14-Core: Course Change: PS F272 - After Evil, WITHDRAWN 3 credits (3+0); add the "X" designation as a GER course option fulfilling
Social Sciences; add the (s) designation (unclear if removing or keeping the "h" designation);
effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
15-Core: Course Drop - COMM F180X - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication, 3 credits (3+0); with merging of Communication and Journalism departments, the course
is being merged with JRN F101X - Media and Culture (COJO F101X); effective fall 2017
upon approval. [No paperwork has been received regarding JRN F101X being changed to
COJO F101X -- has OAR seen any revision?] |
16-Core: Course Changes - CHNS F101 - Elementary Chinese I, and CHNS F102 - Elementary Chinese II, 5 credits each (5+0+0); add the X designation for GER humanities / language courses;
effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
17-Core: Course Change - GER X Request: JUST F251 - Criminology, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); add "X" for GERs; remove prerequisite of JUST
F110; effective fall 2017 upon approval.
18-Core: Course Change: LING F216X - Languages of the World, 3 credits (3+0); request to change frequency of offering from each fall to "as demand
warrants" due to loss of faculty positions. |
19-Core: Minor Course Change - GEOS F111 X - Earth and Environment: Elements of Physical Geography, 4 credits (3+3); change frequency of offering from every fall and spring to every
fall; effective fall 2017 upon approvals (if in time). |
20-Core: Course Change - JUST / HUMS F125 - Introduction to Addictive Processes, 3 credits (3+0); add "X" for GERs; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
105-UCDr.: Course Drop - NRM F405 W - Senior Thesis in Natural Resources Management I, 2 credits (2+0); program requirements have been changed and course is no longer
needed; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
109-UCDr.: Course Drop - GEOS F100X - Introduction to Earth Sciences, 4 credits (3+3+0);
course has not been taught in over five years and is not required by nor recommended
by any departments; effective fall 2017 upon approval. |
1-Core: New Course - MATH F230X - Calculus Essentials with Applications, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include MATH F122X or MATH F151X or MATH F156X or
placement; credit cannot be earned for both MATH F230X and MATH F251X; MATH F230X
cannot serve as a prerequisite for MATH F252X; Core "X" designation requested (submitted
to Core Review simultaneously); letter-graded; to be each semester; effective fall
2016 upon approval. Contact: John Rhodes Status: 10/30/2015: Core Review approved. 11/2/2015: Provost approved. |
2-Core: Core O designator request - GEOG / NRM F483 W - Research Design, Writing, and Presentation Methods; request for O - Public (small class); prerequisite of COMM F131X or COMM F141X added
to existing; effective fall 2016 upon approval. Contact: Chris Maio Status: 10/30/2015: Core Review approved. 11/2/2015: Provost approved. |
3-Core: New Course - CHEM F111X - Introduction to Environmental Chemistry of the Arctic, 4 credits (3+3); prerequisite of "completion of DEVM F105 or placement in higher";
under review at Core for "X"; letter-graded; to be offered each fall; effective fall
2016 upon approval. Contact: Sarah Hayes Status: 11/20/2015: Core Review approved. 3/4/2016: CRC approved new course. 3/10/2016: Provost approved. |
4-Core: Core-W-Removal - BIOL / CHEM F455 - Environmental Toxicology, 3 credits (3+0); request to remove the Writing intensive W designation; effective
fall 2016 upon approval. Contact: Tom O'Hara Status: Received and posted on 12/21/2015. 2/15/2016: WITHDRAWN by department. (This change was actually accomplished in 2014-15 review cycle.) |
5-Core: Core W Request - ENGL F271 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Fiction (h), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Creative Writing: Fiction; change course level
and number to ENGL F375; and add a "W"-intensive designator (Format 7 submitted);
prerequisite will include a New Course called ENGL F270 - Introduction to Creative
Writing (see #81-UNC); other prereqs are ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; or
permission of instructor; to be offered fall and spring, effective fall 2016 upon
approvals. Contact: Daryl Farmer Status: Received and posted on 02/23/2016. 3/3/2016: Core Review approved. (Still at CRC for review.) |
6-Core: Core "W" Request - ENGL F272 - Introduction to Creative Writing: Poetry (h), 3 credits (3+0); change title to Intermediate Creative Writing: Poetry; change course
level and number to ENGL F376 and add "W"-intensive designator (Format 7 submitted);
prerequisites are ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, and New Course ENGL F270 -
Introduction to Creative Writing (#81-UNC) or permission of instructor; to be offered
each fall; effective fall 2016 upon approvals. Contact: Daryl Farmer Status: Received and posted on 02/23/2016. 3/3/2016: Core Review approved. (Still at CRC for review.) |
7-Core: Core "W" Request - ENGL F273 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction, 3 credits (3+0); change course number to F377; and change title to "Intermediate
Creative Writing: Nonfiction (h)"; Format 7 to be submitted for "W" writing intensive
designator/ prerequisites are ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, ENGL F270 - Introduction
to Creative Writing (#81-UNC) or permission of instructor; to be offered each spring;
effective fall 2016 upon approvals. Contact: Daryl Farmer Status: Received and posted on 02/23/2016. 3/3/2016: Core Review approved. (Still at CRC for review.) |
1-Core: New Course - MATH F110 X - Precalculus, 4 credits (4+1); request for "X" designation submitted to Core Review; prerequisite
of placement into MATH F110X; letter graded; course offers a shorter path for better
prepared students toward enrollment in Calc I; to be offered every fall, spring and
summer; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. Contact: Latrice Bowman 10/21/2014: Core Review approved request for X designator. Still under review at Curriculum Review Committee. 12/18/2014: Provost approved. |
2-Core: Course Change - ED F412 W - Integrated Social Studies and Language Arts: Methods and Curriculum Development, 3 credits (3+0); removal of the "W" writing intensive designation; effective Fall
2015 upon approval. Contact: Carol Barnhardt 10/21/2014: Core Review has discussed in conjunction with ED F486. 12/2/2014: Core approved. 12/9/2014: Provost approved. 02/06/2015: School of Education has retracted the request to remove the "W". Back-up Email of 2/6/2015 (PDF) |
3-Core: Core "O" Request - ED F486 O/2 - Media Literacy, 3 credits (3+0); change to full "O"; course is taken by students before year-long
internship and capstone experience; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [See 4-Core,
4-Core: Core "W" Request - ED F486 O/2 - Media Literacy, 3 credits (3+0); addition of written-intensive designation to prepare students before
year-long internship and capstone experience; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. [See
3-Core, also.] Contact: Carol Barnhardt 10/21/2014: Core Review has requested a syllabus revision. 12/2/2014: Core approved as revised (see revised syllabus with 3-Core above). 12/9/2014: Provost approved. |
5-Core: Course Change - ANS F101 (h) - Introduction to Alaska Native Studies, 3 credits (3+0); request for "X" Core designation; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. Contact: Jenny Bell-Jones 10/21/2014: Core Review has discussed and requested more information. 12/2/2014: Core has denied the request. |
6-Core: Core Course Compression - SOC F100X - Individual, Society and Culture (s), 3 credits (3+0); compression request for offering in Maymester 2015; submission
includes both a Maymester syllabus and a 6-week syllabus; effective for Maymester
2015 upon approval. Contact: Kara Dillard 12/2/2014: Core discussed; discussion will continue at next meeting. 1/22/2015: Core approved. 1/28/2015: Provost approved. |
7-Core: Core Request to Drop "W" - BIOL / CHEM F455 W O - Environmental Toxicology: request to remove the "W"-intensive designation from the course which includes both
cross-listings. This change does not affect the graduate levels of the stacked course:
BIOL F656 and CHEM F655. Late arrival received 12/8/2014. Contact: Todd O'Hara 1/22/2015: Core approved dropping the "W" designation. 1/28/2015: Provost approved. |
8-Core: Core "W" Request - ANS F478 W - Alaska Native Studies Senior Thesis, 3 credits (3+0); capstone course, prerequisites of senior standing and ANS F350
and RD F350 or permission of instructor; letter graded; to be offered each spring;
effective Spring 2016 upon approval. Contact: Diane Benson, Jenny Bell-Jones Status: Received and posted 2/25/2015 3/5/2015: Core Review approved the "W" designation with the addition of "ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X" as prerequisites. |
9-Core: Core "X" Request - MATH F108 - Trigonometry, 2-3 credits (2-3+0); Change course number to F152 as part of the Math Alignment
project; and add the "X" designation to the course; effective Fall 2015 upon approval. Contact: Latrice Bowman Status: Received and posted on 3/17/2015. 4/2/2015: Core Review approved the "X" designation. 4/13/2015: Provost approved. |
1-Core: "X" Designator Request (Trial Course) - MATH F194X - Preparation for Calculus, 4 credits (4+1); prerequisite of Accuplacer ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø Math score of at least 70 or
placement into Calculus I; to be offered over three consecutive semesters as a trial
course; effective Spring 2014 upon approval. (Submitted to both Curriculum Review
Committee and Core Review Committee.) Contact: Jill Faudree Status: "X" designation was approved; however, course will need to be petitioned until submitted as a new course with a permanent number. Per OAR, a trial course may not take the core designator. |
2-Core: Request for "W" - BIOL F485 - Global Change Biology, 3 credits (3+0); add writing intensive designator to course; current prerequisites
include BIOL F371; CHEM F105X; CHEM F106X; cross-listed as WLF F485; Format 2 indicates
the following courses are to be added as prerequisites: ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or
ENGL F213X, or permission of instructor; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. Reference #59-UCCh. at Curriculum Review Committee. Contact: Richard Boone Status: 2/4/2014: Core Review has approved. 4/2/2014: Provost approved. |
3-Core: Request for "W" - ANTH F314 - The Archaeology of the Cavemen (s), 3 credits (3+0); "W" designator requested for new course (Format 1 submitted simultaneously);
prerequisites include ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; letter graded; to be offered
spring of odd numbered years; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference #66-UNC
at Curriculum Review Committee] Contact: Jamie Clark Status: Received 2/11/2014; to be reviewed. 2/14/2014: Core Review approved (with recommendation for writing diagnostic on first day of class). 3/12/2014: Provost approved. |
4-Core: Request for "O" - [SEE REVISED BELOW] ANTH / LING F435 - Political Media and Discourses of the American Right, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); Public (small class) Oral designation requested;
prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGL F111X; ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X,
or permission of instructor; description of recommended coursework included; new stacked
course paperwork simultaneously submitted; effective Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference
5-Core: Request for "W" - GEOS F309 - Tectonics, 3 credits (3+0); add prerequisite of ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X; written work in course
requires >50% written work and includes instructor feedback and personal conferences;
effective Fall 2015 upon approval. Deadline missed for Fall 2014. |
1-Core: Core Course "W" Request - BIOL F4xx - Metabolism and Biochemistry [SEE REVISED BELOW - COURSE TO BE NUMBERED F403 W], 4 credits (1.5+7.5); new course
Format 1 submitted; prerequisites include COMM F131X or COMM F141X; ENGLS F111X; ENGL
F211X or ENGL F213X; CHEM F105X; CHEM F106X; BIOL F3xx - Cell and Molecular Biology
(course change submitted changing it from BIOL F261 to 3xx); or permission of instructor;
to be offered every fall; effective Fall 2013.
2-Core: Core Course "W" Request - JRN F433 - Public Relations Techniques [COURSE NUMBER WILL BE JRN F432 INSTEAD], 3 credits (3+0); new course (format 1 submitted);
prerequisites include ENGL F111X, ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X, JRN F202, or permission
of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable for additional credit; to be offered
fall of even-numbered years; effective Fall 2013. Related: #76-UNC at Curriculum Review Committee. Contact: Lynne Lott, x6245. Status: 11/5/2012: Core Review Committee approved. 12/7/2012: Provost approved. |
3-Core: Core Course "O" Request - BIOL F476 - Ecosystem Ecology, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); existing course; add O designator for Group
(medium or large class); effective Fall 2013.
4-Core: Core Course "W" Request - GEOS F499 - Geology and Geophysics Senior Thesis,
2 credits (0+0+2); prerequisites of a major in Geology / Geophysics with senior standing
and a GPA of 3.2 or higher; completion of minimum of 2 credits of GEOS F498 on an
approved project; and approved proposal submission; effective Fall 2013. Contact: Erin Pettit, x5389. Status: WITHDRAWN; 499 is a reserved course number for generic thesis credits and may not carry a core designation. |
5-Core: Core "O" Designator Request - EDSC F472 - Secondary Teaching: School Internship II and Seminar [SEE REVISED SYLLABUS BELOW], 3 credits (1+0+4-16); request for "O" - Public - Large
class emphasis; effective Fall 2013.
6-Core: New Core "X" Course - BIOL F1xx X - Introduction to Human Nutrition, 4 credits (3+3); prerequisites include ENGL F111X or higher; placement in DEVM F105
or higher; or permission of instructor; letter graded and not repeatable; Format 8
also submitted for "X"; to be offered every spring; first offering Spring 2014; effective
Fall 2013. |
7-Core: New Core "X" Course - BIOL F102X - Biology of Sex, NEW NUMBER IS F101X 4 credits (3+3); Format 8 core course paperwork submitted; prerequisites
include high school algebra; placement in ENGL F111X; letter graded and not repeatable;
to be offered every spring; first offering spring 2014; effective Fall 2013.
8-Core: Drop Core "W" Course - THR F412 W - Theatre History II (h), 3 credits (3+0); course has not been taught in many years; effective Fall 2013. |
9-Core: Core Course "O/2" Request - ACCT F414 - Governmental and Nonprofit Accounting, 3 credits (3+0); request for "O/2" designator for "Public (large class); effective Fall 2013. Contact: Charlie Sparks, x5037.
10-Core: Core Course "W" Request - ACCT F472 - Advanced Auditing, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ACCT F362 or instructor permission; effective
Fall 2013. [Note: new course title will be "Internal and Governmental Auditing"] |
11-Core: Core Course "O/2" Request - HSEM F445 - Business Continuity and Crisis Management, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); O/2 designation for Public (large class); prerequisites
include ENGL F111X and ENGL F211X or 213X ; COMM F131X or COMM F141X; HSEM F301 or
instructor permission; effective Fall 2013. |
12-Core: Core Course "W" Request - HSEM F445 - Business Continuity and Crisis Management, [SEE REVISED BELOW] 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include ENGL F111X and ENGL F211X
or 213X ; COMM F131X or COMM F141X; HSEM F301 or instructor permission; effective
Fall 2013. |
13-Core: Core Course "W" Request - JRN F302 W - Reporting, 3 credits (3+0); prerequisites include JRN F101, JRN F202, JRN F251 [ADDENGL F111X,
ENGL F211X or ENGL F213X] or instructor's permission; effective Fall 2013. (Related
to 137-UNC) |
14-Core: Core Course "O" Request - JRN F454 - Advanced TV News Production, 3 credits (1+6); title change to "Newscast"; request for Public (medium to large
class) designation; effective Fall 2013. (Related to 138-UCCh.)
15-Core: Core Course "O/2" Request - PSY F469 - Health Psychology, 3 credits (3+0); add Oral intensive designator of O/2 (Format 6 submitted); update
course description; remove junior standing from F469 prerequisites and add COMM F131X
or COMM F141X; change frequency of offering to fall of even-numbered years; effective
Fall 2014 upon approval.
16-Core: Core "X" Request - COMM F121X - Introduction to Interpersonal Communication, 3 credits (3+0); distance delivery course proposed for offering fall, spring and
summer; online delivery via Blackboard; course intended to be a third option along
with COMM F131X and F141X to fulfill general education / core communication requirement;
effective Fall 2013 or Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference #192-UNC at Curriculum
Review Committee.] |
17-Core: Core "O" Request - JUST F452 - Comparative Criminology, 3 credits (3+0); Public - small class Oral designation requested; prerequisites
of JUST F110 and JUST F251 [or instructor's permission - noted on syllabus but not
on Format 1] and COMM F131X or F141X; proposal indicates "independent study" and 6
hours lecture per week, and syllabus indicates summer session offering; to be offered
every fall; effective Fall 2013 or Fall 2014 upon approval. [Reference #193-UNC at
Curriculum Review Committee. New course number will be F453.]
Course Listing Number
Course Request Description
Electronic File for Download
Status in Committee
102-UCCh. | CNSM - Mathematics and Statistics | Course Change: MATH F490 O - Senior Seminar, 1 credit (1+0); change from 1 to 2 credits (2+0); add senior standing to the prerequisites; effective Fall 2010. |
Jill Faudree, x7385 |
PDF: MATH-F490-O-course-change |
3-31-2010: Emailed Latrice to ask if she wants the committee to look at this. |
Table updated 3/31/2010
Course Listing Number
Course Request Description
Electronic File for Download
Status in Committee
1-Co |
Core "W" Request: NRM F304 O - Perspectives in Natural Resources Management, 3 credits (3+0); offered fall; effective Fall 2010. | David Valentine x7614, (Wanda Tangermann) |
PDF: NRM-304-W-request |
Approved by Provost Approved by Core Committee 9-25-09. |
2-Co | CNSM - Biology | Core "O" Request: BIOL F462 - Concepts of Infectious Diseases, 3 credits (3+0); Oral designation for Public (medium or large class); effective Fall 2010. (Note: "O" only applies to undergraduate level of the course. Course is stacked with BIOL F662.) | Karsten Hueffer x6313 |
Note: "O" designator only applies to F426 course. |
Approved by Provost Approved by Core Committee 9-25-09. |
3-Co (25-UCDr at Curric. Review) |
SOEd - Education | Course Drop: ED F477 W, O - Knowledge and Skills for Alaska Rural Educators, 12 credits (12+0); course has not been offered since fall 2004 and licensure program that was connected to the course has been replaced by other approved licensure programs; effective Fall 2010. | Carol Barnhardt, x6180 |
PDF: ED-F477-Course-Drop |
11-4-09: Provost approved drop. Also sent to Curriculum Review Committee. Furnishing it to Core Review for their information. |
4-Co (24-UCCh at Curric. Review) |
SFOS - Fisheries Div. | Course Compression: FISH F315 - Fisheries Techniques, 4 credits (3+3); change title to Freshwater Fisheries Techniques; change format from semester to two-week compressed course; change from 4 credits to 3 credits (2+3); change frequency of offering from fall to Maymester of even years; effective Maymester 2010 upon approval. |
Trent Sutton, x7285 |
PDFs: FISH-F315-Syllabus FISH-F315-Format2B |
Core Cmte: This is redundantpaperwork as this is NOT a core course and a Format 2 Course Change was also submitted --see #24 in CR list above. Also sent to Curriculum Review Committee. |
5-Co (related to 41-UCCh and 15-GCCh requests) |
CLA - Political Science | Core "O" Request: PS F403- Public Policy, 3 credits (3+0); Oral designation for Public (small class); effective Fall 2010. (Note: "O" only applies to undergraduate level of the course. Course is stacked with PS/NORS F603.) | Amy Lovecraft, x2688 |
Word: PS-F403-O-Request |
11-28-09: Provost approved. 11-20-09: Approved at Core Review. Note: CR approved course change - #41-UCCh - 11/18/09. |
6-Co | CLA - Art, ANS and Anthropology | Core "W" Request: ART F365 - Native Art of Alaska (h), 3 credits (3+0); cross-listed with both ANS F365 and ANTH F365; offered fall; effective Fall 2010. | Da-ka-xeen Mehner, x6972 |
PDF: ART-F365-W-Request-Revised-Syllabus-12-2-09 OLD Word: ART-F365-W-Request - Format-7 OLD Word: ART-F356-Syllabus OLD |
3/22/10: Provost approved. 3/15/10: Core Rev. approved. 12-2-09: Received approved paperwork from CLA. Ready to review. STATUS 11-19-09: Dept. approval at CLA is PENDING.
Table updated 3/22/2010
Course Listing Number
Course Request Description
Electronic File for Download
Contact Info |
Status in Committee
8-Co | CNSM - Geology & Geophysics | Core Natural Science Designator Request: GEOS F106X - Life in the Age of Dinosaurs, 4 credits (3+3); a lab-based paleontology course for non-science majors; three examples of lab exercises and complete syllabus included with required info; to be offered alternate springs; effective Fall 2009. |
Dept. Contact: |
4-1-09: Provost approved. 4-1-09: Approved by Core Review Committee |
9-Co | CNSM - Chemistry, Biology | Core "O" Request: CHEM F455/F655, BIOL F455/F655 - Environmental Toxicology, 3 credits (3+0); Oral designation for Public, small; Written designation for writing assignment requirements; related course change for CHEM F655 submitted simultaneously; effective Fall 2009. |
O-designator_CHEM-BIOL-455-655_Toxicology.pdf For reference, here's the Format 2 Course Change Request: Dept. Contact: |
4-1-09: Provost approved. 4-1-09: Approved by Core Review Committee |
10-Co | CNSM - Chemistry, Biology | Core "W" Requests: CHEM F455/F655, BIOL F455/F655 - Environmental Toxicology, 3 credits (3+0); Oral designation for Public, small; Written designation for writing assignment requirements; related course change for CHEM F655 submitted simultaneously; effective Fall 2009. |
W-designatore_CHEM-BIOL-455-655_Toxicology.pdf Dept. Contact: |
4-1-09: Provost approved. 4-1-09: Approved by Core Review Committee |
--Info Purposes | CLA - Foreign Languages | Course Change: SPAN 301O - Advanced Comprehension and Conversation, 3 credits (3+0); course may be repeated up to one time when content topic varies; effective Fall 2009. | SPAN-301O.pdf Dept. Contact: Alex Fitts, x7980 |
(Core Review Committee is OK with this change to the course.) |
1-Co | SNRAS - NRM | Core Course: NRM 410 - Numerical Methods for Natural Resources Management (n), 3 or 4 credits (3+3); optional 1-credit lab; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2009. |
NRM410core.pdf Jingjing Liang, |
(n) request not applicable - (Core Rev. committee did not need to see this proposal.) 11-18-08: |
2-Co |
CNSM - Biology & Wildlife |
Core Special Topics Course: BIOL 493O - Principles of Human Genetics, 3 credits (3+0); Special Topics course request; public - small; effective Spring 2009. |
PDF-Plaetke-Format 6-withSyllabus BIOL493core.doc Rosemarie Plaetke, x5486 |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
3-Co |
SOM - Business Admin. |
Core Compression: BA 323X - Business Ethics, 3 credits (3+0); Wintermester and Maymester course compression; effective Fall 08. |
BA323X.pdf [1 MB] John Lehman, |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
4-Co | CNSM - Biology & Wildlife | Oral Intensive Designator: WLF 460/BIOL 459 - Wildlife Nutrition, 4 credits (3+3); O/2 public - large; offered fall; effective Fall 2009. |
Wlf460-Biol459_WildlifeNutr.pdf Perry Barboza, |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
5-Co | SNRAS - Forest Sci. | Deletion - Written Intensive Designator: NRM 440W - Silviculture, 3 credits (2+3); dropping the English prerequisites to the course; offered fall; effective Fall 2009. |
John Yarie, |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
6-Co | CLA - English | Core "O" Deletion: ENGL 371W,O - Intermediate Creative Writing (h), 3 credits (3+0); drop the "O" designator; effective Fall 2009. |
Geri Brightwell, |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
7-Co | CLA - Anthropology | Core "W" Request: ANTH 405 - Archaeological Method and Theory (s), 3 credits (2+3); stacked with ANTH 605; offered alternate spring; effective Fall 2009. |
Ben Potter |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
Table updated 3/5/2009
Course Listing Number
Course Request Description
Electronic File for Download
Status in Committee
1-Co | SNRAS - NRM | Core Course: NRM 410 - Numerical Methods for Natural Resources Management (n), 3 or 4 credits (3+3); optional 1-credit lab; to be offered as demand warrants; first offered Fall 2009. | Jingjing Liang, x1831 |
NRM410core.pdf [753 KB] |
11-18-08: Under review by Curriculum Rev. as a new course. |
2-Co |
CNSM - Biology & Wildlife |
Core Special Topics Course: BIOL 493O - Principles of Human Genetics, 3 credits (3+0); Special Topics course request; public - small; effective Spring 2009. | Rosemarie Plaetke, x5486 |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
3-Co |
SOM - Business Admin. |
Core Compression: BA 323X - Business Ethics, 3 credits (3+0); Wintermester and Maymester course compression; effective Fall 08. | John Lehman, x5668 |
BA323X.pdf [1 MB] |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
4-Co | CNSM - Biology & Wildlife | Oral Intensive Designator: WLF 460/BIOL 459 - Wildlife Nutrition, 4 credits (3+3); O/2 public - large; offered fall; effective Fall 2009. | Perry Barboza, x7142 |
Wlf460-Biol459_WildlifeNutr.pdf |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
5-Co | SNRAS - Forest Sci. | Deletion - Written Intensive Designator: NRM 440W - Silviculture, 3 credits (2+3); dropping the English prerequisites to the course; offered fall; effective Fall 2009. | John Yarie, x5650 |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
6-Co | CLA - English | Core "O" Deletion: ENGL 371W,O - Intermediate Creative Writing (h), 3 credits (3+0); drop the "O" designator; effective Fall 2009. | Geri Brightwell, x5209 |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |
7-Co | CLA - Anthropology | Core "W" Request: ANTH 405 - Archaeological Method and Theory (s), 3 credits (2+3); stacked with ANTH 605; offered alternate spring; effective Fall 2009. | Ben Potter x7567 |
ANTH-405/605_W-request.pdf |
11-18-08: Approved by Provost. 11-18-08: Cmte has approved. Sending to Provost. |