2012-2013 Faculty Senate Meetings
- 2012-2013 Faculty Senate Directory and Handbook (PDF, 384 KB, updated 10/23/12)
- 2012-2013 Faculty Senate Representation by Unit (PDF)
- 2012-2013 Faculty Senate Committees (PDF, 10/23/2012)
- 2012-2013 Faculty Senate and Administrative Committee Meetings (PDF)
- Faculty Senate Meetings and Administrative Committee Meetings (PDF)
- Research in the UA System (PDF)
December 2012 Presentation to the UA Board of Regents, Academic and Student Affairs Committee by UAF Provost Susan Henrichs - FY12 UAF Performance Report (PDF)
- UAF Provost's Office - Stay informed on Health Care News and Issues:
- Memo and Proposal on Health Care - N. Bhattacharyya, Ph.D. (PDF)
- Presentation from the: OPEN HEALTH CARE FORUMS
- JHCC Notes from the Open Health Care Forums(PDF)
- (2012 December issue of The Statewide Voice)
- (2012 September issue of The Statewide Voice)
- "" (2012 August issue of The Statewide Voice)
- "" (2012 July issue of The Statewide Voice)
- Link to
The Office of Public Affairs will be producing a monthly series of articles covering healthcare reform issues that the UA will be faced with in terms of health plan changes. Bookmark the page linked above to stay informed.
Meeting Information
- Agenda 191 (PDF)
- Handouts and Items of Interest
- Full Proposal of new Graduate Certificate in Science Teaching and Outreach (PDF)
- Report from Franz Meyer, Chair, Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committee:
Assessment of Electronic Course Evaluation Technology and its Applicability to the ºÚÁϳԹÏÍø (PDF)- Executive Summary of the Report linked above (PDF)
- Promotion and Tenure Review Summary Results of the 2012 Academic Year
- Provided by the Office of the Provost (PDF) - FDAI Committee Meeting Minutes for 4/30/2013 (PDF)
- Faculty Senate Committees' Annual Reports
- Research Advisory Committee:
- 2012-2013 RAC Report (PDF)
- Principal Investigator FAQ (PDF, 9/18/2012)
- Faculty Affairs Committee:
- 2012-2013 FAC Report (PDF)
- GERC: subcommittee of Curricular Affairs Committee
- Graduate Academic and Advisory Committee
- 2012-13 GAAC Report (PDF)
- Faculty Development Assessment and Improvement Committee
- Committee on the Status of Women (also contained within the agenda)
- Unit Criteria Committee (also contained within the agenda)
- Research Advisory Committee:
- Actions of Meeting #191:
- 2012-2013 Faculty Senate business:
- Motion to approve the list of 2012-13 degree candidates - passed (PDF)
- Resolution to recommend modification of post-tenure faculty review by the university-wide review committee - passed (PDF)
- Motion to agree to the discontinuation of the PhD in Mathematics - Not passed (PDF)
- Motion to approve the continuation of the PhD in Mathematics and DMS PhD revitalization plan - passed (PDF)
- Motion to approve a new minor in Dispute Resolution - passed (PDF)
- Motion to agree to discontinuation of the CLA minor in Leadership and Civic Engagement - passed (PDF)
- Motion to approve the SFOS Fisheries Divsion Unit Criteria - passed (PDF)
- Motion to amend the grading policy concerning the grade of C- to include undergraduate programs - passed (PDF)
- Resolution to recommend modifying General Education Requirements to allow two 5-credit courses in non-English language to fulfill Social Scineces / Humanities / Arts requirements - referred back to Curricular Affairs Committee (PDF)
- Motion to approve a new graduate certificate in Science Teaching and Outreach (CNSM) - passed (PDF)
- Resolution to have the Administrative Committee address incidents of sexual harassment at UAF - passed (PDF)
- 2013-2014 Faculty Senate business:
- Motion to adopt the 2013-14 meeting calendar - passed (PDF)
- Motion authorizing the Administrative Committee to act on behalf of the Faculty Senate until business resumes in fall 2013 - passed (PDF)
- Minutes #191 (PDF, 993 KB) - Approved at Meeting #192 (Sept. 9, 2013)
- Audio Recording (mp3, 65 MB)
- Agenda 190 (PDF)
- Handouts and Items of Interest
- New program proposal for the B.A. in Secondary Education with Content Area (#31-UNP, approved by Curricular Affairs Committee and Administrative Committee for
inclusion in the April 1 Faculty Senate agenda; pg. 11 updated)
Related file: B.A. Secondary Education with Content Area: 4-5 Year Timelines (PDF) - UNAC Faculty Forum - March 2013 (PDF)
Pat Pitney, vice chancellor for Administrative Serivces; and Raaj Kurapati, associate vice chancellor for Financial Services - Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committee:
Meeting Minutes for FDAI 3/26/2013 (PDF) - Flyer: 8th Annual Promotion and Tenure Workshop
to be held on April 26, 2013, 10:00 AM - noon
- New program proposal for the B.A. in Secondary Education with Content Area (#31-UNP, approved by Curricular Affairs Committee and Administrative Committee for
inclusion in the April 1 Faculty Senate agenda; pg. 11 updated)
- Actions of Meeting 190:
- Motion to confirm the Outstanding Senator of the Year - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to affirm the election of the 2013-14 Faculty Senate President-elect - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to approve a new B.A. degree in Secondary Education with Content Area - Passed (PDF)
- Resolution to recommend ending automatic university-wide review in post-tenure faculty evaluation - Tabled (PDF)
- Motion to approve establishment of a central online collection of course descriptions - Passed (PDF)
- Minutes for Meeting #190 (PDF)
- Audio Recording - (mp3, 52 MB)
- Agenda 189 (PDF)
- Handouts and Items of Interest
- Survey Results: Creating a central online repository of course information (PDF)
- about syllabi as intellectual property
Health Care Related handouts: - Memo and Proposal on Health Care - N. Bhattacharyya (PDF, Mar. 2013)
- JHCC Proposed Rates for FY14 (PDF)
- UA Choice FY14 PROPOSED Rates (PDF)
- UA Choice FY13 Rates (PDF)
Faculty Development, Assessment and Improvement Committee - Meeting Minutes for 2/26/2013 (PDF)
- Actions of Meeting 189
- Motion to Approve Unit Criteria for Library Science - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to Amend the FS Bylaws of the Unit Criteria Committee - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to Amend the Grading Policy Concerning the Grade of C- - Passed (PDF)
Note: The C- grading policy motion was amended once more at the May 6, 2013 Faculty Senate Meeting #191 (see below). - Motion to Amend the Grade Appeals Policy - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to Amend the FS Bylaws concerning special elections - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to Change the UAF Catalog Descriptions of Letter Grades - Passed as amended on the floor (PDF)
- Minutes for Meeting 189 (PDF)
- Audio Recording - (mp3, 48 MB)
This meeting will be held via video conference. Please note the changed location.
(Addition of Discussion Items on page 1, and revision of timeline, pages 1 and 2)
- Handouts and Items of Interest
- UAF Office of Management and Budget
- Additional FDAI Committee Meeting Minutes (1/29/2013 meeting, PDF)
- e-Course Evaluation Demos Schedule (PDF)
- Recording of LIO Presentation arranged by Mike Davis (mp3, 26 MB)
- Actions of Meeting 188
- Motion to authorize UAF faculty representatives to serve on cross-MAU committee - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to require the student transcript to distinguish between Master's with thesis and Master's with project - Passed as amended on the floor (PDF)
- Resolution on archival of master's projects and theses - Passed as amended on the floor (PDF)
- Motion to require graduate student enrollment during semester of thesis defense and semester of graduation - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to revise the Grade Appeals Policy to clarify time period of review - Referred back to Faculty Affairs Committee (PDF)
- Motion to approve a new minor in Military Security Studies - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to amend the Transfer Credit Policy - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to amend the Credit by Exam Policy - Passed (PDF)
- Minutes for Meeting #188 - (PDF)
- Audio Recording (mp3, 47 MB)
- Agenda 187 (PDF)
- Link to Board of Regents Agenda for Dec. 6-7 Meeting:
- Handouts and Items of Interest
- Research in the UA System (PDF)
December 2012 Presentation to the UA Board of Regents, Academic and Student Affairs Committee by UAF Provost Susan Henrichs - Health Care Information Handouts
- Research in the UA System (PDF)
- Actions of Meeting 187:
- Old business: Motion to agree to the discontinuation of the PhD degree in Mathematics - TABLED again (PDF)
New Business: - Motion to approve the unit criteria of the Cooperative Extension Service - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to amend the academic policy regarding Attendance - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to approve a new minor in Interdisciplinary Studies - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to approve a new minor within the School of Management for Emergency Management - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to amend the academic policy regarding transfer of credits - Passed (PDF)
- Old business: Motion to agree to the discontinuation of the PhD degree in Mathematics - TABLED again (PDF)
- Minutes for Meeting #187 (PDF)
- Audio Recording (mp3, 90 MB)
- Agenda 186 (PDF)
- Program Review Documents
- Mathematics and Statistics Department Program Review - PDF
- Completed Mathematics MS / MAT Review (Includes faculty review committee; administrative review committee; and Chancellor's Cabinet) - PDF
- Completed Mathematics PhD Review (Includes faculty review committee; administrative review committee; and Chancellor's Cabinet) - PDF
- Physics Department Program Review - PDF
- Completed Physics MAT Review (Includes faculty review committee; administrative review committee; and Chancellor's Cabinet) - PDF
- Completed General Science - Physics MS Review (Includes faculty review committee; administrative review committee; and Chancellor's Cabinet) - PDF
- Mathematics and Statistics Department Program Review - PDF
- Handout for Discussion Item on Attendance Policy (PDF)
- Actions of Meeting #186
- Motion to agree to the discontinuation of the MS degree in General Science - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to agree to the discontinuation of the MAT degree in Physics - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to agree to the discontinuation of the MAT degree in Mathematics - Passed (PDF)
- Motion to agree to the discontinuation of the PhD degree in Mathematics - TABLED (PDF)
- Minutes for Meeting #186 (PDF)
- Audio Recording (mp3, 59 MB)
- Agenda 185 (PDF)
- Actions of Meeting #185:
- Motion to Amend the Academic Policy for Undergraduate Probation (PDF)
- Motion to Conduct Reapportionment of Representation for Faculty Senate (PDF)
- Motion to amend the Bylaws with regard to non-voting members of Faculty Senate (PDF)
- Faculty Senate did not pass the following:
- Minutes for #185 (PDF)
- Audio Recording (mp3, 62 MB)
- Agenda 184 (PDF, with Attachment 184/6 - margin fixed)
- Handouts
- 2012 Executive Summary of the Program Evaluation for the National Association of Developmental Education (NADE) - (PDF, 9-9-2012)
- Development Education Departmental Activities, Research Findings, and the National Trend Towards Acceleration - (PDF, 9-9-2012)
- Attachment 184/6: Reapportionment Table (PDF, 9-8-2012)
Corrected right margin so text is not cut off--for those who accessed an earlier version. - GERC Action Plan (PDF, handed out at the meeting, 9-10-2012)
- A limited number of print copies of the above handouts will be available at the meeting.
- Handouts
- Actions of Meeting #184
- Resolution Reaffirming Commitment to Shared Governance (PDF)
- Motion Endorsing 2012-13 Faculty Senate Committee Membership (PDF)
- Motion to Eliminate the M.A.T. in Biology Program (PDF, signed)
- Resolution Reaffirming Support of Allowing Candidates for Promotion, Tenure, or Comprehensive Review to Opt for Open Meetings (PDF)
- Minutes for September 10, 2012 - Meeting #184 (PDF)
- Audio Recording - (mp3, 56 MB)